The Ice Blog

by Ice

DHS Whistleblower Says Real Targets Are American Patriots

Julia Davis, a former Customs and Border Protections Officer, was falsely declared a domestic terrorist and subjected to retaliatory efforts against her by the Department of Homeland Security. Her home was raided by a 27 man “special response team.” She was twice falsely arrested and imprisoned, but later exonerated. She is now a national security expert and has put out a historical documentary titled Top Priority: The Terror Within. She claims that the War On Terror by the Department of Homeland Security is a charade and that the agency seems to be targeting concerned American patriots.

Read more:



May 7, 2013 Posted by | American Patriots, DHS, End of America, Government, Homeland Security, Immigration, Terrorism, Terrorist Watch List, Traitors | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Terrorism Industry

This is pretty much how it works:

May 25, 2010 Posted by | CIA, DHS, FBI, Homeland Security, INS, Terrorism | , , , , | Leave a comment

World Health Organization To Institute World Wide Tyranny??

Note: This article does not link to and does not cite many of the sources this posting is based upon.  A search of this blogs earlier posts and the use of a search engine will provide more than enough information for readers to research in order to arrive at their own educated conclusions.

Contradictory reports emanating from WHO officials leave one to question the efficiency and effectiveness of these “world” organizations and agencies that governments have delegated vast powers as well as if the “conspiracy whacko” claims that such organizations and agencies were created with a secret and more nefarious intention than their openly stated purpose.

On Sunday, May 3, 09, Dr Michael Ryan, WHO Director of Global Alert and Response, was quoted as saying that there is no evidence that the swine flu virus is spreading in any sustainable way outside of the North America. In that same article Mexican Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova told the BBC that, based on samples tested, the mortality rate was comparable with that of seasonal flu.

Mexican Health Minister Cordova also stated that the Mexican authorities may, on reflection, have overestimated the danger as 43.7% of samples from suspected cases so far tested had come back positive, a total of 397. Sixteen in this group had died. “That means that apparently, the rate of attack is not as wide as was thought,” he said.

Even the acting deputy director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said that although experts were concerned about the possibility of severe cases, the majority so far had been “mild, self-limited illness” and that the new virus lacked the traits that made the 1918 flu pandemic so deadly.

One day later, Monday, May 04, 2009, the Director General of WHO, Margaret Chan, indicates that WHO “is likely to raise its flu alert to the top of its six-point scale and declare a pandemic.”

Reasoning that “Flu viruses are very unpredictable, very deceptive …”, that “We should not be over-confident” and “not give H1N1 the opportunity to mix with other viruses,” Who is ready to give declaration of a full pandemic that would send a signal to governments worldwide to institute their pandemic response plans, which may include measures affecting hospitals, schools or public events.

The question that people should be asking, specially here in the U.S. is: “What is the “Pandemic Response Plan?”  Each of the U.S. States has a Pandemic Plan in place. You can download a .pdf copy of the Pandemic Plan for your state here.

In addition to enforcing isolation and quarantine measure, mass vaccinations are an important aspect of this plan.  In the Indiana plan, the ISDH Protocol for Mass Prophylaxis will be followed.  Hmm… maybe Indianians should do a little research on this ISDH Protocol.

These measures are not just for those that test positive but also for those designated as “an individual or group with “potential” or actual exposure.”  And just how will you know the truth of any statement that you may have been “exposed” to the flu?? These people will go about their business of quarantine, forced vaccinations with suspect and unknown medicines as well as the confiscation of property and absolute loss of our freedoms because the claim – whether truthfully or not – that there has been “exposure” to the virus within our community.

And all of this, brought to you by a “world” organization that not only contradicts itself but initiates actions contradictory to the evidence.

An epidemic (from the Greek: epi upon; demos, people) is usually defined as a large-scale, temporary increase in the occurrence of a disease in a community or region which is clearly in excess of normal expectancy, whereas a pandemic (pan, all) is the occurrence of a disease which is clearly in excess of normal expectancy and is spread over a whole geographical area, usually crossing national boundaries.

At the other end of the scale are outbreaks and sporadic cases. A general outbreak involves two or more persons who are associated in time and location. A sporadic case refers to a person whose illness is not apparently connected with similar illnesses in any other persons.

Although the term ‘epidemic’ is used widely to describe clusters of disease in general, and even in a non-medical sense (e.g. an epidemic of road rage), it has traditionally been used when infection strikes a population.  This often occurs when there is crowding together of humans (or, for that matter, animals, fish, or birds), as this provides the necessary conditions to allow microorganisms to multiply and spread.

There are three main patterns of epidemic, determined by the mode of transmission of the microorganism.

Firstly, the explosive epidemic. This is characterized by the occurrence of many cases in a relatively short period; there is a sharp rise and fall in the number of infected persons, since the usual cause of such an event is a common source of infection. This type of epidemic is thus also frequently termed a common source epidemic or a point source epidemic. This pattern of infection often occurs when water or food becomes contaminated, although other vehicles of infection can also be responsible.

Secondly, person-to-person spread. These epidemics usually have a more protracted course, taking longer than explosive epidemics to build up and subside. An infective agent may be passed from person to person by a variety of routes (e.g. respiratory or gastrointestinal). Diseases such as influenza or chickenpox often follow this pattern.

Thirdly — a combination of the two — an explosive epidemic with subsequent person-to-person spread. This pattern is apparent when there is contamination of a common water or food source and the initial cases then infect their contacts. Although this type of epidemic starts in the same way as an explosive incident, there is a slower decline.

Disease and epidemics occur as a result of the interaction of three factors, agent, host, and environment. Agents cause the disease, hosts are susceptible to it, and environmental conditions permit host exposure to the agent. An understanding of the interaction between agent, host, and environment is crucial for the selection of the best approach to prevent or control the continuing spread of an epidemic.

For infectious diseases, epidemics can occur when large numbers of susceptible persons are exposed to infectious agents in settings or under circumstances that permit the spread of the agent. Spread of an infectious disease depends primarily on the chain of transmission of an agent: a source of the agent, a route of exit from the host, a suitable mode of transmission between the susceptible host and the source, and a route of entry into another susceptible host. Modes of spread may involve direct physical contact between the infected host and the new host, or airborne spread, such as coughing or sneezing. Indirect transmission takes place through vehicles such as contaminated water, food, or intravenous fluids; inanimate objects such as bedding, clothes, or surgical instruments; or a biological vector such as a mosquito or flea.

Where is the evidence of an “epidemic” … let alone a “pandemic” in regards to this virus? Is it possible that the WHO is privy to information that the Media and general populations may never access?  Is it possible that the reported DHS shipping of “bird flu” was actually the shipping of the “swine flu” virus with at least one shipment known to having been directed to a water facility?  Are there powers at work in the world with intentions of mass murder on a horrific world wide scale? Is this why FEMA is making preparation for Martial Law? Is this why the government has built concentration camps and has thousands of plastic coffins on hand?

Is the World Health Organization the tool of unkown powers that will usher in a tyrannical New World Order??

Is the End of America nigh?

May 4, 2009 Posted by | Concentration Camps, DHS, Disease, End of America, FEMA, Flu, Fraud, Government, Health, Homeland Security, Martial Law, New World Order, Pandemic, Police State, Quarantine, Scam, Swine Flu, Tyranny, UN, United Nations, Virus Alert, Viruses, World Health Organization | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Homeland Security Issues Alert On Mandatory Quarantine Procedures

BATF and FBI to forcibly detain Americans despite only 7 confirmed swine flu deaths in Mexico

Homeland Security Issues Alert On Mandatory Quarantine Procedures 290409top

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Department of Homeland Security has sent out an alert to health care providers outlining how BATF, FBI, and U.S. Marshals will be called upon to impose mandatory quarantines in the event of a widespread swine flu outbreak in the U.S.

According to the report, “DHS Assistant Secretary Bridger McGaw circulated the swine flu memo, which was obtained by, on Monday night. It says: “The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement. Under approval from HHS, the Surgeon General has the authority to issue quarantines.”

he memo states, “U.S. Customs and Coast Guard Officers assist in the enforcement of quarantine orders. Other DOJ law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Marshals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives may also enforce quarantines. Military personnel are not authorized to engage in enforcement.”

However, a separate Defense Department planning document on dealing with pandemics states that the Pentagon will use the forces at its disposal to assist in “quarantining groups of people in order to minimize the spread of disease during an influenza pandemic” and aid in “efforts to restore and maintain order.”

As we reported yesterday, so-called “involuntary isolation” is already being enforced in certain areas of the United States. The state’s health director in North Carolina, Dr. Jeffrey Engel, said that authorities were already involuntarily isolating patients who may have the swine flu virus. He refused to divulge the location of where the victims were being quarantined.

Article continues here.

April 29, 2009 Posted by | DHS, Disease, End of America, Flu, Government, Health, Homeland Security, Martial Law, Pandemic, Police State, Quarantine, Swine Flu, Tyranny, Viruses | , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment